Kissoben Reach

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Region Overview

The Kissoben Reach is an area of space in the Gamma Quadrant that stretches from Deep Space 14, through the United Dominion of Planets influence and includes Port Coray and Port Loray.

Federation interests are served by the Gamma Flotilla Expeditionary Task Force who are based out of Deep Space 14. The USS Octavia E Butler serves as the main ship for the Kissoben Reach. This region was previously served by the USS Oumuamua

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Active Player Ships

USS Octavia E Butler-logo.png Sagan-scale.png
USS Octavia E ButlerSagan classCaptain Lia Rouiancet, Commanding Officer

Major Powers

Major Ports & Notable Locations

Name Description Important Wiki Links
Wormhole Wormhole that connects Alpha and Gamma Quad
Deep Space 14 Orbits New Bajor, close to Wormhole Deep Space 14
Port Coray Caboto prisoners freed; part of the X-oray Port systems
Port Loray AKA “Waystation”; the one where TK assaulted a guard
I-Kiyo Dyson Ring The home of the I-Kiyo, who inherited a Dyson Ring I-KIYO

Notable Systems & Planets

Name Description First Visited By & Stardate Important Wiki Links
Omicron Victor IV A deserted system where a number of ships have gone missing, including the USS Unity Dow USS Octavia E Butler - SD 240106.20. Mission: The Unity Dow (USS Octavia E Butler)
New Bajor Only Federation aligned world in GQ N/A Stick of Butter, Dozen Eggs & A Liter of Moba juice (USS Thor)Shore leave: New (New) Bajor (USS Thor)The Cost of Forever (USS Thor)
Cheyd'lang Former Dominion thrall, now independent. USS Octavia E Butler - SD 240102.07 Mission: Cheyd'lang (USS Octavia E Butler)Cheydalanga
Alpha Brenkelvi II Ancient ruins USS Oumuamua - SD 240010.16 The Sandbox of Men (USS Oumuamua)
Esh-O System Squid people, nebula USS Oumuamua SD 240006.19 The Nautilus (USS Oumuamua)
Seytoxal Resort Planet USS Oumuamua SD 240001.09 Shore Leave: Seytoxal and Beyond (USS Oumuamua)
Okaea Thor lost; ocean world USS Thor - SD 239902.18 Ragnarok (USS Thor)
Zet In a nebula; edge of sensor range from New Bajor N/A Zet
I-Kiyo System Home to the I-Kiyo, who inherited a Dyson Ring and call it their own. They have friendly relations with most Gamma Quadrant powers and rely on trade and tourism USS Octavia E Butler - SD 240109 Shore Leave: Meeting the I-Kiyo and DS14 Resupply (USS Octavia E Butler)