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Omicron Victor IV
A deserted system where a number of ships have gone missing, including the USS Unity Dow
USS Octavia E Butler - SD 240106.20.
Mission: The Unity Dow (USS Octavia E Butler)
New Bajor
Only Federation aligned world in GQ
Stick of Butter, Dozen Eggs & A Liter of Moba juice (USS Thor)Shore leave: New (New) Bajor (USS Thor)The Cost of Forever (USS Thor)
Former Dominion thrall, now independent.
USS Octavia E Butler - SD 240102.07
Mission: Cheyd'lang (USS Octavia E Butler)Cheydalanga
Alpha Brenkelvi II
Ancient ruins
USS Oumuamua - SD 240010.16
The Sandbox of Men (USS Oumuamua)
Esh-O System
Squid people, nebula
USS Oumuamua SD 240006.19
The Nautilus (USS Oumuamua)
Resort Planet
USS Oumuamua SD 240001.09
Shore Leave: Seytoxal and Beyond (USS Oumuamua)
Thor lost; ocean world
USS Thor - SD 239902.18
Ragnarok (USS Thor)
In a nebula; edge of sensor range from New Bajor
I-Kiyo System
Home to the I-Kiyo, who inherited a Dyson Ring and call it their own. They have friendly relations with most Gamma Quadrant powers and rely on trade and tourism
USS Octavia E Butler - SD 240109
Shore Leave: Meeting the I-Kiyo and DS14 Resupply (USS Octavia E Butler)
Koreli IV
Home to the Danni, who became thralls of the Zet after their leaders entered into a bad contract with a Zet king
USS Octavia E Butler - SD 240109