Kendall Washburn

Lieutenant JG Kendall Washburn is currently serving as Helm Officer on the USS Columbia.

USS Columbia
Kendall Walter Washburn
Position Helm Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Species Human / Martian
Gender Male
DOB 235912.14
Age 42
Birthplace Olympus Mons Medical Center, New Olympus Mars
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost PilotsSextantAward 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg

Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
Pilot's Sextant
Explorer's Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon


  • Full Name: Kendall Walter Washburn
  • Race: Terran / Martian
  • Date of Birth: December 14
  • Place of Birth: Olympus Mons Medical Center, New Olympus Mars
  • Age: 31
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: No telepathic ability


  • Height: (6' 7)
  • Weight: (153 lbs)
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: longish tied in a braid straight down the back
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Skin tone: Red
  • Birthmarks/scars: Short scar running the length of right side of neck. Native American .
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications:
  • Build: Thin, almost too thin
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): casual slacks and t-shirt
  • Voice: deep, simple with a strong almost vibrant certainty to his speech .
  • Handedness: Left


  • Marital Status: divorced- the former Danielle Ann Washburn
  • Children: One: Daughter Michelle Lynne Washburn
  • Parents:
    • Father: James Washburn
    • Mother: Candice Washburn (Madison)
  • Siblings: Three
    • Elizabeth 38 CEO (chief engineering officer) for the biggest civilian engineering firm on Mars
    • Kevin: 23 family business engineer Washburn Engineering
    • Mary 19 engineering apprentice Jupiter station.


  • Quarters: having been married has given Washburn the sense to clean up after himself. There are some cluttered books scattered on the tables and into the bed. The books are everything from legal treatise and amicus briefs to engineering specs for the original warp 5 engine. There is only one real decoration a picture of his parents, siblings, and a woman with a blacked out face.
  • Appearance: Nearly unnaturally tall and thin Washburn is balding at the crown however since most people are too short to notice, there's not much to say there. No facial hair but the thin scar running down his neck is a reminder of the dangers involved with cheating wives and whole quadrants of space between them.


Kendall grew up in the shadow of great engineers his great-grandparents were among the first colonists from earth more than two and a half centuries ago. Since the move from earth the Washburns have had a very ill attitude towards earth and people from there. His own parents while strong on family bonds were not the award-winning parents they wanted to be which is why they pushed all of their kids to be bigger better.

Kendall rebelled almost from the moment he was born. Which is why he went to college and on to law school. While in school Burn met Danielle a fiery fireplug of a teaching assistant. They married while Kendall was in first year law school graduated top of his class a year and a half early and started work at the third largest law firm on Mars.

At twenty-four Washburn was working ninety hours a week and neglecting his life. Danielle suddenly found herself pregnant. Then she left. After six months she showed back up demanding money. When Kendall refused she tried to "cut" the money out of him. When he got out of the hospital he took the first transport to earth and enrolled at Starfleet academy.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239005.09 -239010.09 USS Drake Helm Officer
Lieutenant JG 239010.09 - xxxxxx.xx
Leave of Absence
Lieutenant JG 239010 - xxxxxx.xx Starbase 118 Ops Flight Control Officer
Leave of Absence
Lieutenant JG 239105.27 - 239107.01 USS Excalibur-A Helm Officer
Lieutenant JG 239107.01 - Present USS Columbia Helm Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Year Award Image Posting
2390 Pilot’s Sextant
Starbase 118 Ops
Defense of Temporal Flow
USS Drake
2391 Explorer's Ribbon
USS Columbia
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon

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