James Colquhoun

Crew of the USS Gorkon


Lieutenant JG James Colquhoun

Lieutenant JG James Colquhoun served as a Security and Tactical Officer aboard the USS Gorkon.

Personal Profile

  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 185 lb
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build: Athletic


Born in Nova Scotia to a traditional Nova Scotian household on the island of Cape Breton, James grew up learning the sustenance farming and fishing lifestyle. He grew up learning how to fix the technology that kept the farm running and, when all was in working order, fishing and sailing off the coast in the Atlantic Ocean.

In his teenage years, he felt the call to leave Cape Breton Island to pursue a life in Starfleet. He gained admittance into the Academy and double-majored in combat methodologies and philosophy, choosing to stay for a graduate program in philosophy after graduation rather than being assigned directly to a post. The philosophy graduate program is a four year program, of which James has completed the first two years. The first two years are all extended coursework at the Academy. The second two years consist of the writing of a dissertation and assignment to a duty post that complements the dissertation. James was assigned to the USS Columbia as a Tactical Officer at the beginning of his third year, his current position.

While in the Academy, James earned his black belt in hapkido and certificates in other forms of martial arts. He continues to practice these martial arts, and when he gets use of a holodeck will often run programs aboard historic sailing vessels or playing hockey. Otherwise, he can generally be found with his nose in a book or on a PADD working on his dissertation.


  • Father: William Colquhoun
  • Mother: Ann Colquhoun (née MacNeely)
  • Brother: Seamus Colquhoun
  • Sister: Abigail 'Abby' Colquhoun


When James transferred to the Gorkon, he and Samira shared the chief position of security and tactical. Samira helped him learn the ropes of security before she became the chief of the department and he became the assistant. He respects her as his chief, even if the relationship is more casual than professional at times.

Assigned to the USS Columbia with Ensign Gottci, the two have been casual acquaintances as they learn their way around the ship. They continue to hang out on a regular basis, the crass Iotian personality somewhat tempered by the much more agreeable Canadian's nature. After the Columbia was decommissioned, Gottci seemed to disappear.

James and Jona were briefly roommates aboard the Columbia. They transferred to the Gorkon together and continue to be friends.

Nelis and James share a love of sailing, and can be found sailing in the holodeck from time to time.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239311.01 Graduated Starfleet Academy Tactical Officer
Ensign 239512.01 - 239608.27 USS Columbia Tactical Officer
Lieutenant JG 239608.27 - 239610.27 USS Columbia Tactical Officer
Lieutenant JG 239610.28 - Current USS Gorkon Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Genesis Award 239606.24
USS Columbia
Awarded to those officers who show conspicuous effort in improving their simming skills.
1-year Member 239706.28
USS Gorkon
For those who have been members continuously for one year.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239311.01
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Innovation Ribbon 239602.28
USS Columbia
Awarded to Colquhoun, ch'Ranni, and Thoran for their plan to disable the Eildyr in their second engagement.
Good Conduct Ribbon 239602.28
USS Columbia
Awarded to the crew for their retrieval of the stolen relics.
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal 239602.28
USS Columbia
Awarded to the crew for thwarting piracy.
First Contact Ribbon 239602.28
USS Columbia
Awarded to the crew for making first contact with the Losarians.
Explorer's Ribbon 239602.28
USS Columbia
Awarded to the crew for the discovery of the Spiral Nebula.
First Contact Ribbon 239605.31
USS Columbia
Awarded to Colquhoun, Jolara, and Whittaker for making first contact with the Ma'rithh Kenn.
Lifesaving Ribbon 239605.31
USS Columbia
Awarded to Colquhoun, Jolara, and Whittaker for saving the Ma'rithh Kenn from extinction.
Explorer's Ribbon 239605.31
USS Columbia
Awarded to the crew for their exploration of the Mantra Corridor.
Innovation Ribbon 239608.27
USS Columbia
Awarded to Colquhoun, Whittaker, Duyzer, ch'Ranni, and Owens for establishing a way to rescue their away team.
Medical Science Ribbon 239706.24
USS Gorkon
Awarded to Colquhoun, Marshall, Sevo, and Loxley for saving the lives of Romulan miners from a spore infection.
Lifesaving Ribbon 239706.24
USS Gorkon
Awarded to Colquhoun, Marshall, Sevo, and Loxley for saving the lives of Romulan miners from a spore infection.
Silver Star 239706.24
USS Gorkon
Awarded to Colquhoun, Marshall, Sevo, and Loxley for the actions in defending the Romulan mining installation from attack.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Gorkon Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Quinn Reynolds
2O & Ops. Chief
Jo Marshall
Chief Engineer
Vylaa zh'Tisav
Asst. Chief Engineer
Doz Finch
Sec/Tac Officer
Kestra Nin
First Officer
Samira Neathler
Mission Specialist
Ayiana Sevo
Medical Officer
Nera Ay
Medical Officer
Russell Standish
Chief of Science
Tahna Meru
Science Officer
Science Officer
Vesela Pace
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