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USS Arrow
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Michael Hitchcock
Position Security
Rank Crewman Third Class
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 233507.31
Age 66
Birthplace Brooklyn, New York, Earth


Crewman Michael Hitchcock - known ship-wide by all as simply Hitchcock - currently serves as a Security NCO USS Arrow.


  • Height: 5' 11"
  • Weight: 17stone
  • Build: Overweight
  • Physical Limitations: Running or much physical exercise
  • Hair Colour: Bald
  • Eye Colour: Brown
  • Poses: Usually seen sitting
  • Handedness: Right
  • Voice: Soft and mild


Michael Hitchcock - commonly known and referred to as simply Hitchcock - is a Security NCO assigned to the USS Arrow. He is a stout, bald fellow who is not known to see much action or activity outside of the main security complex. Together with his best friend - Scully - they are considered 'House Mice', who aren't adept at any real security work but excel at PADDwork.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Drinking Coffee
  • Eating Doughnuts


  • Marital Status: Divorced

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