Grace Aleia

Corporal Grace Aleia, a Vissian, was a Marine medic on the USS Constitution-B. She has since fallen to the ranks and it is unknown what her current status is.

Grace Aleia
Position Unassigned
Rank Corporal
Species Vissian
Gender Female
DOB 236805.19
Age 33
Birthplace Vissia


  • Full Name: Grace Aleia
  • Species: Vissian
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth: 236805.19
  • Place of Birth: Vissia
  • Telepathic status: N/A


  • Height: 4 feet 9 inches
  • Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
  • Eye Color: Blue


  • Mother: Flostra Aleia
  • Father: Nostriade Aleia
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None

Personal History

Grace has always been what people have called average. Growing up, nothing special really happened to her. However, upon graduating secondary school, she felt that she wanted more than what was currently offered to her. It was then that she applied to the academy, however, she failed miserably. Still wishing to go off into space, she took her place in the fleet after completing a few years of training for the marines.

Professional History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Private 238608.18 - 238611.26 USS Constitution-B Marine Medic
Corporal 238611.26 - 238706.26