Fugue (Vigilant)

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"Quote to be selected." - By XXXX.
Coming Soon
Following shore leave, the Vigilant crew resumed their exploration of the Zeta Gelis region. With Lt. Cmdr. Reinard in command of the bridge, the ship traveled into unexplored space until it encountered an unknown anomaly. Various teams worked to gather information on the new phenomenon, but their curiosity led to disaster! The ship was pulled into the anomaly and, by everyone's shared experience, destroyed along with the crew!

Coming Soon

However, they all found themselves back where they'd started. There were back together, having just left the captain's briefing, and came upon the anomaly as it was shrinking and eventually closing into nothingness. A Priority-One communication from Starfleet praised their work in stopping what could have been a large-scale temporal disaster for the sector, but none of the crew could recall their heroic achievement.

Coming Soon

Eventually, the different groups began to realize that they'd been divided into three separate timelines within the shared space of the Vigilant. Worse yet, they discovered that they were all still inside the anomaly and subject to heavy damage from destructive rifts that moved randomly within. As various parts of the ships were damaged in the separate timelines, each group had unique challenges to overcome.

Fortunately, the timelines were not completely separate. Work done by some groups seemed to benefit groups existing in the future. They weren't all on the same page as far as understanding the anomaly or what needed to be done, but each timeline found its own way to contribute to their mutual survival.

Coming Soon

Lieutenant Dueld tajoot came up with a plan that stretched over all three timelines, attempting for each group to address a portion of the anomaly to keep the sheep together and attempt escape. As they each work out their portion of the strategy, communication through the rifts became possible! Captain Herrera and Lt Cmdr Reinard made the first live contact between the groups, giving them all hope.

Coming Soon

Their separate tasks done, they now prepared to each form a warp shell to try and close the anomaly and restore everyone back to their proper time. All three faced significant power drains on the shields and hull strain, fearing that the ship may be torn apart in each timeline before their combined efforts could work. It appeared as if their efforts were going to fail, though, when the ship was once more consumed in white light and they all began to feel the pain of being torn apart... again!

Coming Soon

However, they all found themselves back where they'd started. There were back together, having just left the captain's briefing, and came upon the anomaly as it was shrinking and eventually closing into nothingness. A Priority-One communication from Starfleet praised their work in stopping what could have been a large-scale temporal disaster for the sector, but none of the crew could recall their heroic achievement.