Denali Invitational Ribbon

Hall of Honor-Sidebar.png

Denali Invitational Ribbon
Denali Invitational Ribbon.png
(direct image file)
Type: service ribbon

The Denali Invitational Ribbon is a campaign service ribbon awarded for participation in the Denali Invitational in some capacity, which commenced on stardate 240009.18, bringing participants from around the Fleet to Denali Station to enjoy the city, a race and the associated intrigue.

Bronze Stars for Multi-Phase Campaigns

Any 1 of the 3
Any 2 of the 3
All 3 phases

Characters can earn multiple bronze stars when participating in a multi-phase campaign. The Denali Invitational consisted of three phases, each lasting two weeks:

  • Phase I
    • Began on: 9 September 2400
    • Ended on: 5 October 2400
  • Phase II
    • Began on: 6 October 2400
    • Ended on: 24 October 2400
  • Phase III
    • Began on: 25 October 2400
    • Ended on: 13 November 2400

For the Denali Invitational Ribbon, a bronze star is awarded for the completion of each phase, with one bronze star being the minimum number of stars awarded to a participant.

Service Ribbons

generalmilestonegallantry & heroismlifesavingcampaign
Ithassa Region Campaign Medal Quantum Reality Service Ribbon Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal Romulan Campaign Medal Tholian Campaign Ribbon
Gorn Campaign Ribbon Maquis Reborn Service Medal Orion Syndicate Service Medal Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal Gorn Invasion Ribbon
Grendellai Operations Ribbon Vaadwaur Invasion Campaign Ribbon Hobus Heroism Ribbon Bajoran Campaign Ribbon Klingon Invasion Ribbon
Gateway Ribbon Prometheus Ribbon War of Shadows Ribbon Warp XV Drive Pioneer Project Capstone Ribbon
Denali Invitational Ribbon Par'tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon Frontier Day Ribbon Changeling Campaign Ribbon Defense of The Isles

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