Darwin/Victory Joint Partnership

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Darwin/Victory Joint Partnership

What is the Darwin/Victory Joint Partnership?

Darwin/Victory Joint Partnership
Darwin-A & Victory Ship Chats

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On March 2015, the USS Darwin-A and USS Victory forged a close partnership as both ships share similar philosophies and the same passion and desire when it comes to supporting their crew mates of all levels of roleplay and writing experience. It is the first and unique adventure undertaken in the history of UFOP: Starbase 118 RPG.

So, What is This Partnership?

What it means is that both the Darwin and the Victory plan to share many things among their crew. From the Joint Missions, Officer exchanges, and ship chats. There will also be a shared story that both ships will participate in and both the Darwin and the Victory will find clues to an ancient secret buried in the sector of Nashira-Rho. There is also plans for workshops, ship-to-ship sports and recreational activities and so much more!

How can I be a part of it?

If you serve on either of the ships, YOU ALREADY ARE! If you are interested in helping out in any way, you are always free to contact your commanding officer and see if they have anything available to you.

And there are Ribbons!

What better way of marking the achievements of the Joint partnership than with service ribbons.

  • Joint Partnership Ribbon: Awarded to the player that helps out and assists with the Darwin/Victory Joint Partnership!
  • JOTTP Ribbon: Awarded to a person who successfully serves on another vessel under the auspices of the JOTTP program.

Joint Officer Temporary Transfer Program (JOTTP)

Have you ever wondered what it was like to serve on another vessel, but you do not really want to transfer? Well, you can now explore the galaxy on another ship through this program! It is a temporary transfer from one vessel to another for one complete mission and shore leave. You will have the opportunity to meet new people, see new sites, and safe the galaxy one step at a time!

The minimum requirements for utilizing this program is:

  • Member of either the USS Darwin-A or USS Victory.
  • Simming at Full time Status for one month. (12 sims per month).
  • Hold the minimum rank of Lieutenant JG.
  • Received your Captain's Permission to file the form.

After that, it is simply waiting for the other ship to have a slot open and then you will be contacted! If you have any questions about this program, please do not hesitate to contact your captain.

If you meet this requirements and you are interested, please go ahead and fill out this Form!

Deep Space Six Shuttle Race

Coming soon: Information on the Second Annual Deep Space Six Shuttle Race! Stay tuned for more information on how to apply!

Darwin/Victory Joint Partnership