Chassigne, JJ

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USS Invicta
STO Blank Black.jpg
STO Blank Black.jpg
JJ Chassigne
Position Civilian Physicist
Rank Civilian
Species Human/Romulan
Gender Male
DOB 235110.02
Age 49
Birthplace Spirit, Mars

Full name Joshua Joseph Chassigne-Kells. The middle sibling in Aron Kells' family, in which Aron is the youngest. Gained a doctorate in wave-particle physics by 2378 and has worked since in research, primarily on Earth. Unpartnered and has no interest in joining Starfleet, though Aron has asked him to join before and, failing that, to serve as a civilian on whatever ship Aron commands. Though JJ has repeatedly refused Aron's requests, Aron's commanding the USS Invicta was too much for even JJ to pass up, and he's there visiting on a temporary basis, seeing if it could be a good home for him.