Cart'hen IV

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Cart'hen system Star  · I  · II  · III  · Belt  · IV

Cart'hen IV is the fourth planet of the Cart'hen system. Carthen IV.gif


  • it's orbit is approximately 195 million km from it's star
  • a gas giant with a diameter of 102,722km (63,842 miles).
  • it has a density of 0.9 and a gravity of 1.31 G's
  • hydrogen atmosphere


  • unknown at this time, as the only known survey was conducted by the Klingons


  • it has 4 tiny moons, 2 medium moons and 1 large moon
  • Cart'hen IVa: 168 km (105 miles) in diameter, with a density of 2.6 and a gravity of 0.006 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 199,414 km. (124,634 miles)
  • Cart'hen IVb: 429 km (268 miles) in diameter, with a density of 2.1 and a gravity of 0.01 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 222,138 km. (138,836 miles)
  • Cart'hen IVc: 2,691 km (1,682 miles) in diameter, with a density of 2.7 and a gravity of 0.1 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 249,530 km. (155,956 miles)
  • Cart'hen IVd: 579 km (362 miles) in diameter, with a density of 2.3 and a gravity of 0.02 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 252,397 km. (157,748 miles)
  • Cart'hen IVe: 4,382 km (2,739 miles) in diameter, with a density of 2.4 and a gravity of 0.15 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 255,368 km. (159,605 miles)
  • Cart'hen IVf: 488 km (305 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.7 and a gravity of 0.02 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 257,829 km. (161,143 miles)
  • Cart'hen IVg: 2,201 km (1,376 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.1 and a gravity of 0.09 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 261,222 km. (163,264 miles)