Andrea Munger is a Human Starfleet Officer currently serving as a Medical Science Officer aboard the (USS Narendra), an Ambassador class starship commanded by Fleet Captain Sal Taybrim.
Andrea Munger was born on 237209.02 on Mars. She was raised as a very sporty athlete and competed in sports. She's the only child of a single Human father, Arthur Munger. Her mother, Sheila Munger, died right after giving birth to Andrea. With not much to go on, her father raised her to be a tomboy. During high school, she expressed interest in science and medicine. Most notably in Biology and Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology. Right after graduating high school, she enrolled in the academy much under a Vulcan friend's advice.
Andrea has a extremely thick Posh accent and can come off as a tomboy. She keeps to herself, headstrong, and a problem solver. It takes a while for her to warm up to people outside of work. Get her to watch or play any sports and she'll come unglued. Become friends with her and she has a sarcastic wit and dark humor.
Father: Arthur Munger
Species: Human
Date of Birth: 234508.21
Place of Birth: Denobula
Occupation: Engineer
Date of Death:238504.05
Mother: Sheila Munger
Species: Human
Date of Birth: 235508.21
Place of Birth: Denobula
Occupation: Geology Professor
Date of Death: 237209.02
Service Record
239101.02 — 239501.04 Starfleet Academy Cadet Major:Biology • Minor:Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology