User:James T. Kolk/Roster/Condensed

Condensed Crew Roster

Senior Staff
Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
4  4Captain WalBenjamin J. Walker 1Commanding Officer
5  5Lt. Commander WilDanny Wilde 2First Officer
5  5Lt. Commander KolJackford B. Kolk 3Second Officer/CFC/COO
Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
5  5Lt Commander ThoKael Thomas 1Chief Engineer
7  7Lieutenant J.G. TroKeval Trolin 2Assistant Chief Engineer
7  7Lieutenant J.G. TreBreya Trell 3Asst. Chief Ops Officer
6  6Lieutenant WooDaniel Wood 4Security Chief
7  7Lieutenant J.G. SheJack Shepard 5Assistant Security Chief
Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
7  7Lieutenant J.G. JavRenesme Javinx 1Chief Counselor
6  6Lieutenant AdaRo Adair-Walker 2Chief Medical Officer
5  5Lt. Commander CruAllen Cruise 3Chief Science Officer

This list only consists of active player characters. NPC's can be found in the appropriate link to the right. Ranks in parentheses are OOC only.

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