- Gender: Male
- Species: Human/Klingon
- DOB: 234209.03 (23 earth years old)
- Weight: 125
- Height: 6'2
- Eye color: Dark Brown
- Hair Color: Black
House of K'lith
- Parents:
- K'lith Klingon dead,
- Mara Lena Khan Dead terrain,
- Talon Nua Stepmother
- Talon Zah - step brother Bajoran
Spouse : NONE
Children: NONE
Native of the planet Chal William's mother was a Starfleet Chief
Petty Officer she died during child birth.
William was raised by his father K'lith on Chal during a trip to
Bajor K'lith fell in love with and married Talon Nua a Bajoran woman.
K'lith was killed 4 years later and Nua raised William and Zah, her
son together.
They were all happy on Bajor William struggled to hold on to his
Klingon side but slowly
Accepted his step mothers beliefs.
At 18 he joined Star Fleet Academy were he and his brother seem to
train hard and study even hard .Willliam, Ty to his friends always
seemed to be alone unless seen with his brother.
Zah is the social animal of the family.
William looks like a human fusion Klingon no ridges but if angered
his Klingon side can be clearly seen.
William excels at the physical and has does well ok at the book part.
Which leds him up to training on the USS Centris-A.
- 258512.09: Graduated from Starfleet Academy
- 238512.10: Assigned to the USS Challenger