Cart'hen III

Revision as of 18:52, 3 March 2008 by Canreb (talk | contribs)

This is the only inhabited planet within the Cart'hen Star System.

At one time the Klingons did have a very high population on this planet... that was before the mines quality and quantity pettered out... strip mining will do that... at that time the Klingon empire left the world... it was no longer worth fighting for... before they left they did transport a large number of criminals of many races to the planet...

The native population has decreased greatly both dureing and after the Klingons left... first through high deaths due to the harsh inhuman working conditions forced on them in the mines... then due to the destruction of their culture... values and way of life... they now number around 45,000 of which about 30,000 live in the cities... with the other 15,000 being rebels... liveing in the deserts... trying to recreate their culture and way of life...

On the surface of the planet are 5 Cities... 3 of them true cities... while the other 2 are just large mining colonies with dreams of greatness... the largest city is Mith... they claim to be the Capitol city but... with no central government... none of the others agree... it is about the size of the other 2 cities combined... while the mining stations are a little less than half the size of one of the normal cities...

The average population of these are - Mith - 280,000, the other 2 cities about 110,000 each and the mining stations about 30,000 each for a world wide total includeing the many small groups of nomads and tiny communites scattered over its harsh surface of about 600,000...

45,000 are Cart'hen natives, 30,000 are Klingons, 100,000 are from member worlds of the Federation, 400,000 are exiled peoples from among the subject peoples of the Klingon Empire and the last 25,000 are escaped peoples from among the subject races of the Romulan Empire...

Each community is controled by a number of factions... these represent criminal organizations, corporations, mining companies, racial groups, etc... each group or faction has their own armed retainers... and have over the years worked out some form of mutual understanding... they all jockey for position... trying to improve or increase their power... these power struggles often result in open warfare...

While all 5 communities have the facilities to ship raw materials into space only Mith has anything close to a space port... Mith also has a council... represented on the council are the 11 most powerful groups in the city... many others hope to one day increase their power so as to join this elite group...