Ops Player Achievements

Revision as of 03:19, 16 April 2021 by Alora DeVeau (talk | contribs) (added first category for PA awards.)

How do I get my achievements?

Ops Player Achievements are OOC achievements that are earned by StarBase 118 Ops players for completing IC or OOC tasks, adventures and challenges. These achievements are NOT required and are only done for fun.

Achievements are self-awarded by players themselves. If you believe that you have earned an achievement, add it to your wiki!

Displaying Achievements

Each player can decide how and if they want to display their achievements. You have many options from doing it on your Character Bio to your player page or even making a new extra page. If you need help with that you can contact Alora DeVeau and she'll happily help you.

If you want to do it yourself that's fine. Head over to the PA Template instruction page to learn more!

Achievement List

Fit For Duty