Theta 122
An L-class world, Theta 122 exists in a wide orbit around the Class-G star designated Theta Trianguli. Possessed of a delicate but thriving ecosystem, Theta 122 experienced a cataclysmic stellar event some one hundred thousand years ago, an event that the planet is only now beginning to recover from. Dotted by sparse areas of greenery and standing bodies of water amidst a mountainous, craggy surface, Theta 122 experiences a climate that a typical human would find chilly, and a typical Andorian might find sweltering. Active weather patterns enliven the planet’s atmosphere with substantial but avoidable static charge, which can be tricky to maneuver within if caught.
The Alpha Isles
Upon it exists a small Federation research colony designated Atlas Base. Notably outside Starfleet-protected space, it is home to an extreme group of scientists, each of whom willingly gave up the guarantee of support in exchange for the chance to pursue their work on Theta 122. The planet has long been suspected of containing unusual qualities within its core, and the scientists hoped to explore that suspicion to the fullest.