- Filed Charge: This report is a summary of Leona's Disciplinary record with the ATPS.
- Incident: Insubordination, Property Damage, Misc Duty Related Offenses.
- Disciplining Officer: ATPS Commander Graddy Casher, (Reporting Starfleet Personel) Enrollment Administrative Officer: Pelcinun Penny
- Disciplinary Action Taken: Insubordination 3 counts- Leona was placed on dispatch and house duty for varying periods of time.
- Property Damage 20 counts- Leona was placed on dispatch and house duty for varying periods of time, she was also placed on suspension without pay a number of times, depending on the severity of the issue(s).
- Misc Duty Related Offenses 6 counts- Leona was written up for each offense, but each offense listed was minor at best.
- Disciplining Officer Remarks: (The following remarks are from the reporting Starfleet Personnel not those of the ATPS Commander Graddy Casher, for those full reports and comments please see the attached ATPS reports.) From the ATPS reports I have received I believe it is safe to say that many of the "incidents" that Leona experienced while with them were due largely -In my opinion- to the lack of professional leadership and training from within the ATPS itself. The reports read as temperamental and unprofessional, which leads me to believe that her ATPS CO may have been a hot-headed man unqualified of true leadership skills. -Which is common in private security and police companies.- This being said it is also clear from these reports that Leona herself has a temper she must learn to tame and raw skills that need to be honed -Such as her combat and firearms skills- and I believe that Starfleet can accomplish this best. I believe she should be considered for enrollment despite this past record with the TPS.