Universal Agreement Gnosticism

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Universal Agreement Gnosticism

Universal Agreement Gnosticism is derived from a variety of ancient and modern religious ideas and systems, originating in Jewish-Christian milieux in the first and second century AD on earth and broadened by the systems and involvement of other sentient species such as the Vulcans, Denobulans and Bajorans.


Traditional Gnosticism's origins appear to have roots in Neoplatonism and Buddhism, due to similarities in beliefs, but ultimately, its connection to other belief systems in its origin is still unconfirmed. The Gnostic belief was widespread within Christianity until Christianity expelled the group in the second and third centuries (C.E.). Gnosticism became the first group to be declared heresy. Several forms of Gnosticism rose and fell through the years, and while in modern times there are still a few varying forms of Gnosticism, Universal Agreement Gnosticism is the largest boasting approximately ten million followers across several species and worlds. Universal Agreement Gnosticism was developed from a series of philosophical studies done on the many religious and spiritual systems across the known galaxy. Noted authors in these studies include:

  • Yobe Hennings (Terran)- Comprehensive studies and visual reference guide encyclopedia compilation volumes 1-245.
  • San'tanam (Vulcan)- Commonalities and similarities of the philosophical, religious, and psychological systems of the Federation races. Volumes 1-3077
  • Holrixe (Dinobulan)- The diversities of Human beliefs and stories with a comparative examination with non-Terran federation species beliefs and stories.

Moral and Ritual Practice

Universal Agreement Gnostics tend toward a sort of asceticism in their sexual and dietary practice. In other areas of morality, they are less rigorously ascetic and take a more moderate approach to correct behavior. In Gnosticism, it is the internalized motivation that is important. Ritualistic behavior was not important unless it is based on a personal, internal motivation based on the moral inclination of the individual.

Core Teachings

All matter is evil, and the non-material, spirit-realm is good.

  • Evil in this context refers to an inescapable chaos brought about by the twisted and imperfect form of the material plane.
  • Good in this context refers to the order and perfection of the Pleroma (Heaven), existence in it's purest and most perfect form.

The Monad, the One, (God of all existence) was alone with the ousia (energies of the divine/the divine spark) within him. The Monad, which begat the dyad, which begat the numbers, which begat the point, begetting lines, filled the void of nothingness with existence and gave rise to many lesser spirit beings called Aeons.

The creator of the material universe is not the supreme god, but an inferior spirit aeon named Yaldabaoth. Ignorant of the superior god, and sometimes opposed to it; thus in the latter case, he is correspondingly malevolent. Other names or identifications are Ahriman, El, Satan, and Yahweh (Jahweh). Moral judgments of the demiurge vary from group to group within the broad category of Gnosticism, viewing materiality as being inherently evil, or as merely flawed and as good as its passive constituent matter allows.

The Demiurge, (Yaldabaoth), created the kenoma (material planes) which are varied, chaotic and imperfect in nature. The Demiurge also created the Archons. (The gods, angels, demons, spirits, and other lesser and imperfect sacred beings mentioned in all religions)

The Archons present obstacles to the soul seeking ascent from the material realm.

Divine elements from the Pleroma "fall" into the material realm, and are locked within living beings. This divine element returns to the divine realm when Gnosis, esoteric or intuitive knowledge of the divine element within, is obtained.

There is no such thing as "sin", only the ignorance of Gnosis.

To achieve salvation, one needs to get in touch with the spiritual energies of the divine spark through the sacred knowledge taught to Humanity by the divine spirit Christ and too other sentient species in their due time.

Every species that reaches the required level of intelligence through the evolution of the material planes is met with an aeon, a divine spirit sent to them to teach Gnosis. For Humanity this aeon was the divine spirit, Christ.

Words, and Meanings

  • Gnosis- Gnosis is mystical or esoteric knowledge gained through personal experience and perception by direct participation with the divine. It is a system of thought and action designed to re-align living souls with the divine, to allow them to transcend the material realms and return to the Pleroma planes.
  • Sarkic- earthly, hidebound, ignorant, uninitiated. The lowest level of living thought; the fleshly, instinctive level of thinking.
  • Hylic- lowest order of the three types of living beings. Unable to be saved since their thinking is entirely material, incapable of understanding the gnosis.
  • Psychic- "soulful", partially initiated. Matter-dwelling spirits.
  • Pneumatic- "spiritual", fully initiated, immaterial souls escaping the doom of the material world via gnosis.
  • Pleroma- the spirituals planes, heaven.
  • Kenoma- the visible or manifest cosmos, "lower" than the Pleroma
  • Charisma- gift, or energy, bestowed by pneumatics through oral teaching and personal encounters.
  • Ousia- the essence of God, known to pneumatics through Gnosis.