Basic Stats

  • Name: Samantha "Sam" W.
  • Location: Germany
  • Joined SB118: November 2015

About me

Born in Germany of German/American parents, my mothertongue is German, but I'm pretty fluent in English as well. Since I haven't lived with my father since I was four, I'm not as confident in English as I could be, especially not in grammar.

I love reading and writing, as well as watching series and films with a good plot. Generally, I'm a fan of a well-thought-out story, such as Star Trek (no surprise) and Harry Potter. I'm a die hard Voyager fan, who ships C/7 (Seven/Chakotay; not very common, I know), especially loves the Doctor, Seven and Janeway, and thinks there isn't a better Captain than her (even if I like the others as well). I rarely write fanfiction, even though I love doing it, but read a lot. I have a lot fantasy, love learning more about things that interest me and if I really want to do something, I keep focusing on that. I'm currently working on a Voyager website/blog and even if I don't have time to work on it often, I keep doing it, because it's a lot of fun.

I'm very happy to have found SB118 as it combines my love for Star Trek and (script-)writing (because that's what it is, in my opinion), and it helps me letting my fantasy run wild. Whenever I watch/read a series or a book for a longer period of time, I make up my own characters, and here in SB118 I'm even able to write that down. ;-)

Social media:

  • @sam_the_trekkie (personal twitter)
  • @TheVoyagerists (twitter for the Voyager-website)
  • (personal tumblr)
  • @samantha_voy (wattpad)

Player Characters

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  • Lynn Mayr - from an alternate reality, Dominion spy, ex-wife of Cillian James:


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OOC Activities

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