Hello! My name is James Bolton and I currently write for Aigle Phos of the USS Doyle-A (who used to be my secondary on the USS Discovery-C). Previously, I played Seff of the USS Constitution-B who is now a PNPC aboard the USS Doyle-A and James who was my PC on the USS Constitution-B, USS Excalibur-A, USS Darwin-A, Starbase 118, USS Drake, and USS Discovery-C and is now a PNPC on the USS Doyle-A. In real life I'm from the UK (Specifically South Wales, although I now live in the mid) and am currently in University studying Medieval and Early Modern History.
: James on Twitter
: +JamesBolton42
: james@neojames.me
: neo_james_bolton
: neojames11@gmail.com
: james@neojames.me
File:XmppLogo.png: james@neojames.me
"As the dust settled, revealing the true extent of the devastation that James had wrought, he saw the fate that awaited him - Pandora, wearing a look of irritation and holding out a mop and bucket." - Pandora
"Lt James: catches falling Romulans, Counsels ensigns in need, fixes warp cores... hardest working Vulcan in Starfleet!" - Sal Taybrim