Romulan Dictionary

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Romulan Language

Edaihtir u'Rhirhalir Abhhilir - Useful Words and Phrases


jolan'tru: semiformal hello/goodbye; most common greeting.

y'hhau: informal hello/goodbye; generally used only between close friends and relatives of similar age.

aefvadh: formal greeting "be welcome".

shaoi ben: formal greeting, superior to inferior.

shaoi dan: formal greeting between equals.

shaoi kon: formal greeting, inferior to superior.

bedah: formal goodbye.

bed aoi: "goodbye forever".

Adverbs & Adjectives & Others

ie: yes

dhat: no.

daie: yes (inferior to superior).

au'e: yes indeed! oh, yes! (emphatic affirmative).

patned pra krsh: never.

ssaer?: why?

fvah?: what?

khnai'ra: thank you (semi-formal; formal, between equals).

khnai'ru rhissiuy: thank you (formal, superior to inferior).

khlinae arhem: thank you (formal, inferior to superior).

iumnau: urgent.

mnekha: correct, right; excellent. (superior to inferior, or between equals).

mnek'nra: correct, right; excellent. (inferior to superior).

rha?: is that so? oh, really? (rather sarcastic).

ta'krenn!: look at that! look!.


hevam: human (derogatory).

klivam: Klingon (derogatory).

khoi-udt: drop dead.

vah-udt?: what rank? (are you to be ordering me).

fvadt: damn it! damn!.

The following insults can be used either alone, or in sentences, or following "hwiiy", which means "you are":

veruul: fool

hhakh: stupid

dyypan: incompetent

ryakna: garbage

nohtho: crazy

knvuk: ugly

kllhe: shit-eater

fehill'curak: asscrack

hnaev: shit

susse-thrai: she-wolf, bitch

amton'wi-kha: slut; promiscuous

Terms of Endearment

jol-ao au: I love you.

e'lev: my love, dear, darling.

sahe'lagge: passionflower.

h'levreinnye: love-devil, lust-devil.

Forms of Address; People; Organisations

rinam: sister

dinam: brother

ri'nanov: mother

di'ranov: father


ke'rhin: fellow Rihanha

Rihan: Romulan (adjective, e.g. the Romulan language)

Rihanha: a Romulan person

Rihannsu: a group of Romulan people

Rihanh: the Romulan nation/race/people as a whole

rekkhai: sir/madam (in Galae)

lhhai: sir (outside Galae)

lhhei: madam (outside Galae)

Khe'lloann'mnhehorael: Klingon Empire (common; informal)

Klling'hann Nneikha: Klingon Empire (formal)

Klling'hann: Klingon (adjective or noun; polite/formal)

Khe'lloann'na: a citizen of the Klingon Empire

Lloann'mhrahel: UFP

Lloann'na: a citizen of the UFP

lloannen'galae: Starfleet

Galae s'Shiar: Imperial Fleet

Tal'Shiar: Imperial Police

Kiith Mevroqq'ghi: Diplomatic Corps

Ilnetha'aihrifv: Economic Corps/Merchant Marines

Rei'kara: Imperial Legion

Khhiu'draao s'Shiar: Imperial Land Army


Ssuaj-ha.: Understood. (formal/military use, inferior to superior)

Ssuaj.: I understand. (non-formal, common use)

Ssuaj-difv?: Do you understand?

H'ta-fvau.: Return at once (to last position).

Hteij'rhau.: Activate transporter.

Hallh'na.: Report to me at once.

Hnafirh'rau.: Let me see.

Ie'yyak-hnah!: Fire phaser!

Hyaa-aifv-hnah!: Fire disruptor!

Ihlla'nh.: That's just enough; That'll do; You'll do.

Qiuu mnekha?:Is everyone well? (superior to inferior)

Qiuu mnek'nra?: Is everyone well? (inferior to superior)

Qiuu mnekha.: Everyone is well. (superior to inferior)

Qiuu mnek'nra.:Everyone is well. (inferior to superior)

Military Ranks

Galae - Grand Fleet

Rihan Rank English Translation Federation Equivalent
galae'Enriov Fleet Senior Commander Admiral of the Fleet
khre'Enriov Fleet Deputy Commander Vice-Admiral of the Fleet
Enriov Senior Commander Admiral
khre'Riov Commander-General Commodore
Riov Commander Captain
erei'Riov Sub-Commander Commander
Enarrain Senior Centurion Lieutenant Commander
Arrain Centurion Lieutenant
erei'Arrain Sub-Centurion Lieutenant JG
Erein Junior Sub-Centurion Ensign
erei'Erein Crewman Midshipman

Tal'Shiar - Imperial Security Service

Rihan Rank English Translation Federation Equivalent
Dhaemnasi Chairman of the Imperial Intelligence Committee -
Khren Police General -
khellrea'Riov General of the Directorate -
Riov Brigadier -
Ssiebh Colonel -
Aendeh Major -
Enarrain Captain -
Arrain Lieutenant -
Erein Centurion -
Lhaell Corporal -
erei'Lhaell Lance Corporal -
Uhlan Private -
ben'Lehrei Agent-Recruit -

Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi - Diplomatic Corps

Rihan Rank English Translation Federation Equivalent
hru'Kiith Chairman of the Diplomatic Corps -
Llairhi (male form) Ambassador -
Llaudh (female form) Ambassador -
Lleifven Attache -
Auethnen Advisor -
Ehkifv Consul -
Kharifv Mediator -
Kolaes Emissary -
Hmnial Aide-de-Camp -

Ilnetha'aihrifv - Economic Service

Rihan Rank English Translation Federation Equivalent
re'Aefvriha Chairman of the Economic Corps -
Telaet Fvrihai Senior Administrator -
Uhlan Fvrihai Junior Administrator -
Telaet Esael Senior Manager -
Esael Manager -
Uhlan Esael Junior Manager -
Ilnetha Merchant -
Fvehai Worker -
Telaet Arrhai Senior Teamster -
Arrhai Teamster -
Uhlan Arrhai Junior Teamster -
Eredh Cadet -

Rei'kara; Khhiu'draao - Imperial Legion; Land Army

Rihan Rank English Translation British Army Equivalent
draao'Daeus - Field Marshall (Land Army)
kara'Daeus - Field Marshall (Imperial Legion)
Daeus - General
Riov - Lieutenant General
erei'Riov - Major General
khre'Ssiebh - Brigadier
Ssiebh - Colonel
erei'Ssiebh - Lieutenant Colonel
Aendeh - Major
Enarrain - Captain
Arrain - Lieutenant
erei'Arrain - Second Lieutenant
khre'Erein - Regimental Sergeant Major
erhwi'Erein - Company Sergeant Major
Erein - Staff Sergeant
erei'Erein - Sergeant
Lhaell - Corporal
erei'Lhaell - Lance Corporal
Uhlan - Private