Mission: Cheyd'lang (USS Octavia E Butler)

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Mission Start

Commander Rouiancet, Captain

Captain's log, Stardate 240102.07. USS Octavia E Butler, Lia Rouiancet commanding.

It seems somehow gauche to remark in my first captain's log about how odd it is to record a captain's log. Nevertheless, now that the time has come, I find I can't help it. This is my first log as a commanding officer! Of the USS Octavia E. Butler specifically, registry number 82850, a newly commissioned ship of the Sagan class. My responsibility. My assignment. My command.

I'm sure the reality will become routine soon enough, but -- I hope it doesn't happen too quickly.

Despite the accident aboard 'Oumuamua and the several months of refit and repair it has in front of it, the Butler's launch found its crew in good spirits. The backbone of the senior staff are the officers Commodore V'Airu and I sought out aboard the 'Oumuamua and Deep Space 9, along with a few new faces. For example, and with Counselor Brodie's leave of absence, we've been assigned a new counselor, Junior Lieutenant Stendhal. I hope to meet her shortly.

In the mean time, our first mission is taking us to a planet called Cheyd'lang, homeworld of the Cheydalanga. The Cheydalanga were a minor member of the Dominion just before the end of the war, and our mission orders indicate that they've requested Starfleet's assistance since they've recently been contacted by the United Dominion of Planets. Our mission orders don't indicate what the UDP wants with them, but perhaps they don't know either. I'm sure we'll find out upon arrival.

We're in for a few days of transit. Cheyd'lang is located on the far side of the former Dominion sphere of influence, which means that the crew and I will have ample time to explore and begin to learn the ins and outs of our new ship.

End log. For now.

Mission briefing video



Reports to Follow
