Inarr Rogg

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Crew of Discovery-C

Inarr Rogg


  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Counselor
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Race: Dachlyd

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Ensign Inarr Rogg is an engineering officer aboard the USS Discovery-B. Inarr was formerly stationed aboard the USS Independence as a science officer, and prior to that on Starbase 118 as an engineering officer.


  • Full Name: Inarr "Sssteve" Rogg d'Squamos
  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Race: Dachlyd entry at SB118, Dachlyd on Memory Alpha
  • Date of Birth: 235604.17
  • Place of Birth: The freighter Prana Naga in orbit over Gemaris V
  • Gender: Dachlyd (requires clarification; Dachlyds do not have gender as most humanoids do)
  • Telepathic status: 0 - See Telepathic/Empathic Scale


  • Height: 1.6m (5' 3")
  • Length: 2.8m (9' 2" nose to tail)
  • Weight: 98Kgs (216 pounds)
  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Eye Color: Dull gray-green iris, slightly elliptical, black pupil.
  • Scale Tone: Light green with black striations. Light rust color hands and feet.
  • Birthmarks, Scars: A single, blue scale below the left eye.
  • Build: Fat head, tapering to a slim, pointy tail.
  • Carriage: Due to limits of physiology, Dachlyds lack many of the graces of humanoid movement and Inarr is no exception. Use of a prosthetic suit enables Inarr more 'refined' walking and running.
  • Voice: Extended 'S' sounds, ranges from deep croaking to something like a squeak.
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous.

Upon first meeting one, most Terrans immediately compare Dachlyds to Earth iguanas. Additionally, the Dachlyd are frequently mistaken for the Gorn. Inarr Rogg's scale coloration happens to be nearly identical to an Earth iguana as well although this is not universal of the Dachlyd species. Inarr lacks many of the facial features humanoids enjoy- eyebrows, protuberant nose, and lips are conspicuously absent. Inarr has a crest or row of spines extending from the back of the head to the tail. Like all Dachlyds, Inarr possesses a dewlap (a scaly flap of skin below the neck). Inarr's body is covered in overlapping scales ranging in size from small upon the dewlap to the large scales of the subtympanic shields. Too often the unique features of Inarr's appearance are overlooked as the reptiloid is described briefly as "A big, creepy lizard".

Unless secluded in private quarters, Inarr is seen wearing a unique prosthetic suit. The suit monitors some vital signs (to include essential nutrientlevels) however, its primary function is to assist Inarr in maintaining a more human posture and gait. Although not necessary, the mechanics of the suit have reduced the fatigue Inarr first experienced while emulating humanoids in Starfleet. (A rough idea of Inarr Rogg's prosthetic can be imagined from the following wikis: HEV suit and Metroid)


  • Physical Limitations: Inarr's tail is not prehensile and tends to stick too far out. Also, Dachlyds are not particularly graceful while running, swaying humorously side-to-side.

Inarr Rogg is courteous, polite, and much more approachable than the typical Dachlyd. Partly Inarr has a unique nature amongst Dachlyds, but mostly Inarr makes a conscious effort to socialize and to be diplomatic. Prior to Starfleet life, Inarr was more relaxed and laid-back. The hectic life demanded by the UFOP has required a bit of adjustment. When upset or exhibiting other signs of stress, Inarr Rogg's speech becomes significantly more reptiloid. Sometimes the strongly reptiloid expressions confuse universal translators (either being untranslatable or left as intentional emphasis). Because of an incident at Starfleet Academy with a specific cadet, the cadets in Inarr's dormitory began addressing the Dachlyd as "Steve" Rogg or merely "Sssteve".


  • Spouse: Single.
  • Children: Three fertilized, cryonically-preserved eggs.
  • Parents
    • Father: Glykon Rogg
    • Mother: Inga Ramya
  • Siblings: Ki'na Ramya, (Inarr Rogg), Genka Rogg, Marragk Rogg

Inarr is the name given by Inarr's parents to name the hatchling Dachlyd. Rogg was Glykon Rogg's nest name; as Inarr was raised to be part of Glykon Rogg's nest, Inarr shares this name. Squamos is one of the regions of ancient Dathis II. "d'Squamos" can be equated to "of Squamos". (As a parallel, consider the name "Conan of Cimmeria".) The majority of Inarr Rogg d'Squamos's ancestors came from Squamos on Dathis II. Given that a large portion of Dachlyds spend their lives in space, actual place of birth is less relevant. (Except in the case of Dachlyd colonies.)

Cultural Obligations

  • Family: Inarr's closest ties are to Glykon Rogg and Inga Ramya. Glykon made many sacrifices raising Inarr. Both parents were instrumental in Inarr attending Starfleet Academy.
  • Tradition: Many Dachlyd traditions have been overlooked to place Inarr in a Starfleet career. Further, Inarr suspends many more customs every day of service.

Inarr Rogg is not a typical member of the United Federation of Planets. Inarr is a Dachlyd. More notably, Inarr is the first Dachlyd to pass through the Starfleet Academy. Inarr Rogg d'Squamos carries the burden of representing the entire Dachlyd race to the myriad cultures and people of Starfleet. Beyond the physical requirements unique to reptiloids, Inarr is bound to the values and traditions of the Dachlyd people.

(more details to come)


  1. 235604.17: Hatched.
  2. 238605.27: Completed training at Starfleet Academy.
  3. 238605.29: Assigned to Starbase 118 as an Engineering Officer.
  4. 238606.01: Inarr witnesses the destruction of the USS Prospero from the Bridge of the Crazy Horse. The matter/anti-matter explosion and presumed death of the Prospero's entire crew stuns those aboard the USS Crazyhorse.
  5. 238610.25-238611.20 : Assigned to USS Independence as a Science Officer. During this post Inarr became close friends with the Iotian "Nickels".
  6. 238801.27: Assigned to USS "Discovery-B".

NPC Listing    ·    Independence-A Senior Staff    ·    Crew History
CO: Flt.Capt. Sidney Riley · FO: Lt.Cmdr. Darius Clack
HCO: Ens. Isaac David Hertz · CCO: Ens. Alexander Richards
CEO: Lt. JG Lluneh Walker · R&D: Lt.Cmdr. Ethan Brice
COS: Lt. Eyas W'tine · SEC: Lt. Jade Shryker
CTO: Lt.Cmdr. Danny Wilde · TAC: Ens. Scarlet Delores
CSO: Lt. Tyriden · ACSO: Lt. Galon Sudra
CMO: Lt.Cmdr. Charles Sampi · CNS: Ens. Zinna
MO: Ens. Leah St. James · Ens. Velana
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